We’re picking apples!

Today, in the lovely high-summer sunshine, we picked Discovery – the first dessert apple to be harvested in the UK season.

Discovery is a long-established variety, and in the absence of any realistic challenger to it’s early ripening qualities, looks set to be the curtain raiser to the domestic apple season for some time to come.

It’s always a treat to taste the first apples of the year. Of course, you can buy perfectly decent southern hemisphere fruit in the supermarkets, but nothing even comes close to the wonderful texture and flavour of a freshly-picked Kentish apple on an August afternoon!

All this joy has it’s price, though. Discovery is a soft apple, hopelessly susceptible to wasps who can’t get enough of it’s creamy flesh. Swarms of the little horrors strafe us as we take away their breakfast, lunch and tea, and the local chemist can be seen running for the airport on the proceeds of today’s Anthisan sales.

Wasps notwithstanding, after just one day all is now safely gathered in, and we look forward to the arrival of the Worcesters and Early Windsors in a week or so’s time.

The apples in the picture will be taken away in their bulk bins for onward packing and distribution to the supermarkets, so look out for them (or, more realistically, others like them) on your next shopping trip!


This entry was posted on Friday, August 23rd, 2013 at 3:43 pm and is filed under news. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.